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Mental Health Services


Individuals/Families/Professionals may seek a psychology consultation for the following reasons:

  • To address behaviors or recent changes in a child’s emotional or behavioral state.

  • To identify and assess an individual’s mental health needs in order to inform treatment.

  • To receive psychoeducational, neuropsychological, psychological, developmental, and gifted evaluations for children and adolescents presenting with cognitive, behavioral, social, emotional, and academic challenges.

  • To receive individual psychotherapy services to address presenting problem.

  • Second opinions on current psychological treatment and treatment planning.

  • Second opinions on diagnosis and symptoms.

  • To speak to a professional for guidance on parenting, and decision-making (move, divorce, school placement, etc.).

  • Other professionals (pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists and even psychologists) often refer families for a consultation to get a second opinion on a complex issue.

  • Schools often refer patients for guidance on handling school matters that affect their students/staff emotionally (death, trauma, accident, etc.).

  • We work with families of children who have developmental issues and need guidance on multidisciplinary services.


Mental health should not be limited by time or space! We know how difficult it can be to get a face-to-face therapy appointment these days. How impossible it can feel to squeeze in a visit in your already hectic schedule. How lonely and unsupported you can feel in between sessions. This platform allows you to have access and the care that you deserve. 
Since everyone we see is unique, every consultation is different. Your consultation will be based on your concerns and your needs. 
A psychiatric consultation is a comprehensive evaluation of the psychological, biological, medical, and social causes of emotional distress. Together, we will review your current stresses and problems and any past medical or psychiatric conditions. This information, as well as any necessary medical records and laboratory tests, will lead to the formulation of a comprehensive treatment plan.

A psychiatric consultation can help you understand the sources of problems from three points of view: biological (i.e. heredity, hormones, nutrition, physical illness), psychological (i.e. current life stressors, childhood experiences), and social (i.e. cultural differences, family relationships, prejudice). It is this capacity to evaluate the causes of emotional distress from each of these perspectives that make psychiatry unique. Many people find that a psychiatric consultation gives them a new perspective and hope for the future.

A simple psychiatric consultation takes two to three sessions. In order to make this short period of time as productive as possible, please gather together all of your records and recollections of previous treatments before the first session.

Tele-Mental Health Counselor Consult

Mental illness can impact a person's quality of life. A mental health counselor can aid in assessing, and treating emotional and mental health disorders. They can help with relationship issues and the challenges of life. They aid patients in developing behavioral changes to improve their quality of life. They can also offer strategies to cope and navigate life's struggles. 

Some areas mental health counselors specialize in are:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Personality disorders

  • Adjusting to changes brought on by major life changes

  • And many more.

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 ®2022 all rights reserved for Telecare Health Ltd. as the sole shareholder of Telecare Health

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